Stroke Care
When a patient comes to the hospital with stroke symptoms, it's crucial to make a proper diagnosis quickly in order to begin treatment to minimize the effects of a stroke. The stroke care team at Gadsden Regional Medical Center delivers potentially life-saving care for ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
A stroke, simply put, is when blood flow to the brain is poor and can lead to cellular death, and there are two different kinds. An ischemic stroke is due to an overall lack of blood flow to the brain, which can be caused by a blood clot or the narrowing of blood vessels. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs because of a hemorrhage or bleed, which can be caused by high blood pressure, physical trauma or an aneurysm.
Symptoms of a stroke can include difficulty in speaking or understanding, numbness or paralysis, dizziness, headache and difficulty seeing or walking. Learn more about the warning signs and symptoms of a stroke here.
Gadsden Regional Medical Center is a certified Primary Stroke Center. This certification by The Joint Commission signifies our dedication to fostering better long-term outcomes for stroke patients. Stroke treatment can range from emergency surgery or medications to break up a blood clot through an IV to stent placements to widen arteries.
Following a stroke, the rehabilitation services team is there to help individuals regain their independence. The multidisciplinary rehabilitation team at Gadsden Regional Medical Center provides caring, personalized assistance to help patients meet their goals. Learn more about rehabilitation services.