5 Surprising Benefits of Yogurt
In a recent yogurt commercial, a former NFL player (in a grandpa costume) claimed his yogurt made him strong enough to karate chop a picnic table in half with his bare hands.
While you likely won't be smashing any furniture (because why would we want to?), there are five surprising ways adding yogurt to your diet can benefit your health. Hint: Most of the benefits come from probiotics. Yogurt can:
Improve Digestion. Yogurt contains live microorganisms called probiotics that help to balance the bacteria in your digestive system. Studies show that consuming probiotics can reduce inflammation in the intestines, ease irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms, stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut and improve nutrient absorption. Yogurt also can break down proteins and fats, reducing indigestion or heartburn.
Boost the Immune System. The same probiotics that aid digestion and reduce inflammation also can improve the body's natural defenses, preventing the common cold. In addition to probiotics, yogurt contains important nutrients such as calcium, protein, vitamins B2 and B12, and zinc, which can help boost the immune system, produce white and red blood cells, repair and rebuild tissue, and boost energy.
Help with Weight Loss. This high-protein, low-calorie food helps you feel full and reduces cravings. However, yogurt also contains probiotics that can help regulate metabolism, aiding in weight loss. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found that eating three servings of yogurt daily significantly reduced body fat and waist circumference, especially compared to gelatin-based alternatives.
Lower Cholesterol. Again, it's probiotics to the rescue! The friendly bacteria probiotics help thrive can the fats in the gut, preventing them from entering the bloodstream. Studies have also shown that consuming probiotic-rich yogurt can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 6% and fight belly fat, as belly fat increases the risk of heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol fluctuations and breathing problems.
Benefit Skin Health. We know yogurt is chock full of vitamins and minerals, but one ingredient that's most important for your skin is lactic acid, which is known to be beneficial for skin health. Lactic acid helps exfoliate the skin, lightens dark spots and can help with acne, fine lines and wrinkles. In fact, applying yogurt topically to the affected area can even help reduce redness and itching.
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Not sure that your gut health is good, even after eating yogurt? Talk to your doctor about your symptoms, as women are more likely to have conditions like IBS.
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